Arduino , Raspberry pi Automation projects

My home automatisation using arduino , esp8266 and atmega 2560 plus ethernet shield and raspberry pi running Node Red with mqtt

Some screen shot with actual implementation Node red

Sleeping room esp8266 dht22 picture1
Node red menu  picture
RGB LED control  picture
Thermostat control  picture

Another room info and control  picture

Tehnical room info  control  picture

Raspberry pi Node red part

ArduinoRGBled.txt for import in Node red

Rest of flows for import in Node red

IOTtermostat flows for import in Node red

Arduino code sketches part

esp8266_node_red_raspberry_1_v2_ino.txt Arduino sketch

esp8266_node_red_raspberry_2_ino Arduino sketch

Atmega2560_lcd_1602_dht11_arduino_ct_4_ino Arduino sketch

Node_red_mysql_save_mqtt_data.txt How I save all mqtt dat to an external mysql server

RGB Red Active On

RGB Green Active On

RGB Blue Active On

Arduino ethernet shiel plus esp8266 relay module

Raspberry pi and esp8266 from my room

Solar pump controlled by raspberry pi node red software

Pump for heating gorund radiators and separate pump second floor radiators